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Saturday, October 10, 2009

my epiphany

Last night, I had kind of an epiphany. After so many years of shutting myself off from the world, I'm slowly emerging. And I'm ready to write again.
The world has changed in so many ways with technology; Everybody's using Social Networking to mark their territory in the digital landscape. And everything is about the "here and now" - instant gratification.
In many ways, it's a sign that we want to be closer to the world around us; we want to hold our ear close to the ground and listen; we want to interact and feel connected.
I've made so many excuses for not writing all this while... telling myself that publishing online is so narcissistic and self-absorbed. I mean, I'm certainly not the "authority" on any particular field. So why should I write? What makes me, or what I have to say, special? Well... I have studied a number of interesting subjects ranging from art to medicine. I've also traveled the globe meeting fascinating people (everybody's got a story). And from an entrepreneurial perspective, I've built a number of businesses and consulted on projects ranging from photography, architectural design, and construction to system/web application design/development and biotechnology/medical device/life science.
So, here we are-- back to the epiphany: Maybe if I share a few words...a few thoughts...a few ideas, I will inspire someone else for a few precious moments...
I can't promise that I'll write every day. Honestly, with all the balls I'm juggling right now, it's a bit silly. But, I'm beyond thinking. I will write as much as I can. With that being said, this is me-- staking my digital territory. Enjoy!

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